
New Utah plant begins production

September 1, 2021

Geofortis has begun producing natural pozzolan products at our Tooele Utah plant.  Commissioning work is winding down and the plant is operating.  We are providing techinical support for our customers as they ramp up use of this new product.   Watch here for more updates as we grow the natural pozzolan market in the Utah ready mix industry.

BLM issues final permit and environmental assessment for California mine

August 1, 2021

Geofortis has received final approval for  its Plan of Operations from the Bureau of Land Management for 185 acres of Lassenite deposits in Lassen County, California.  BLM issued the permit after conducting and Enviironmental Assessment and thoroughly evaluating the project for several years.

BLM has also completed a Locatable Mineral Determination for Lassenite, establishing it as a valuable mineral under Federal law.

Geofortis nears completion of new Utah plant

July 1, 2021

Geofortis is nearing completion of its natual pozzolan processing plant in Tooele, UT.  Although supply chain delivery issues on a few items have slipped our schedule by a few weeks, erection and commissioning are progressing smoothly.  Preparations at the mine site are complete and ready to go.  Customers are anxious to recieve our product.  Watch here for more updates as we bring new pozzolan material to the Utah marketplace.

Geofortis begins installing mill equipment at new Utah plant

March 31, 2021

Geofortis has begun installation of the ball mill, classifer system at the Tooele, UT site.  The mill equipment is delivered as preassembled  modules for quick installation.  The mill is a Plug & Grind Extreme provided by Cemengal SA.  Geofortis is on schedule to begin commissioning/production in May and be fully operational in June 2021.

Geofortis tops out silo structures at new Utah plant

February 5, 2021

Geofortis’ plant in Tooele Utah continues to move toward completion.  The tallest structures on site, three product silos, were completed in February.  Civil construction is nearly complete, consisting of grading, underground utilities, roads, drainage, and foundations.  Our office and lab buildings are completed, and the raw material storage building is in progress.  The dryer has also been installed.  Geofortis is on schedule to begin production in May and be fully operational by June 2021.
Geofortis tops out silo structures at new Utah plantGeofortis tops out silo structures at new Utah plant

Alan Gee joins Geofortis

November 1, 2020

Alan Gee, a veteran executive in the cement industry, joined Geofortis as Director of Operations.  Alan has 25 years of experience in the global cement and materials industry, including roles at Eagle Materials, Lehigh Hanson, and Holcim.  He is active in the Portland Cement Association, ASTM, International Cement Chemistry Congress, and ICMA.   Alan will be responsible for operations at Geofortis and start-up/commissioning of the new pozzolan plant in Tooele Utah.
Alan Gee join GeofortisAlan Gee join Geofortis

Geofortis begins construction of Utah Pozzolan Plant

August 30, 2020

Geofortis has begun construction of our natural pozzolan plant in Tooele Utah. The source of the material is a fine volcanic ash deposit located in Tooele County.  The plant is projected to be in full production by June 2021.
Geofortis begins construction of Utah Pozzolan PlantGeofortis begins construction of Utah Pozzolan Plant

Geofortis Acquires New Plant Site for Utah Market

May 18, 2020

Geofortis Utah LLC announced that it has completed the purchase of a 6.8-acre site in the Peterson Industrial Depot in Tooele Utah for the development of a new pozzolan processing facility.  Construction will begin in summer 2020 and the plant is expected to begin operations in May 2021. 

Utah DOT approves Geofortis Pozzolan product

March 16, 2020

Utah's Department of Transportation has prequalified Geofortis' Utah natural pozzolan for use in concrete. This approval comes after independent testing in State and AASHTO-approved laboratories.

Geofortis Completes Additional Geologic Investigation of Utah Deposit

January 15, 2020

Geofortis completed additional drilling and testing of the natural pozzolan deposit in Tooele County Utah in November 2019.  The investigation included 21 borings and approximately 1,500 feet of core, followed by extensive testing for chemical and physical properties.  The investigation provided high confidence in the beneficial properties of the pozzolan and the volume of material available to be economically mined.

Geofortis Completes Full-Scale Utah Pozzolan Demonstration

March 2019

Geofortis completed a full ready mix truck scale demonstration pour using our Utah pozzolan source. The demonstration project was observed by Geofortis investors and prospective customers. Finishing properties and set times were superior to the customer's standard mix design, which was placed immediately adjacent to the demonstration slab.
Geofortis Completes Full Scale Utah Pozzolan DemonstrationGeofortis Completes Full Scale Utah Pozzolan Demonstration

Geofortis Completes Geologic Investigation of Utah Pozzolan Deposit

January 2019

Geofortis has completed Phase 2 of our geologic investigation, including 18 sonic core borings totaling 800 feet, in a portion of our Utah holdings. The cores yielded samples for testing Pozzolanic Properties (ASTM C618), as well as ASR mitigation (ASTM C1567). Results were all positive, demonstrating that the material is available in economically viable quantities and performs very well as a concrete SCM.
Geofortis Completes Geologic Investigation of Utah Pozzolan DepositGeofortis Completes Geologic Investigation of Utah Pozzolan Deposit